Monday, January 2, 2012

Winds of Change

My daughter, Megan, moved to Ireland today, so I didn't get my walk until 8 p.m.  I took advantage of the darkness to go across the street and look up at my Christmas tree all lit up in the window.  A snazzy hotel just opened up over there and I sneaked up into their parking garage for the first time to get a good view.  I'm grateful that I had the chance to see its sparkly beauty from the opposite vantage point.  If things had gone as planned today, I would have walked during the day, and missed it.

Will she really be able to see places like this?!!
Meg's flight turned into a train ride at the last minute.  Even though the airline didn't call to let us know that it was too windy to land in Newark, we figured out their sneaky ways and made it to the station without a moment to spare.  No one panicked and even my son's puppy got to stand on the platform to wave good-bye.  The plane from New Jersey left without a hitch.

It was kind of empty in the apartment when I got in from my walk.  I'll miss her around here.  Mostly though, I'm so excited for her and proud of her for devising this whole adventure that I don't feel sad or lonely at all.  Kids are like kites and it is a joyous, sacred moment when you get to let them go in such a grand manner. 

Plus, she's lived abroad before and I know she'll be back in May.

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